
Personal collection of cheatsheets.

Trinity Core

TrinityCore is an MMORPG framework that's built using C++, and using a back-end of MySQL for the DB content.



Set the character level.

.char level <level>

Explore all maps.

.cheat explore 1

Modify the character money.

.modify money <amount>
.modify money 10000000000


Print your current coordinates.


Find the ID of the zone with the provided name.

.lookup tele <name>

Teleport to the specified location.

.tele Stormwind

Access all taxi nodes until logout.

.cheat taxi on


Find the ID of the faction with the provided name.

.lookup faction <name>

Modify the character reputation.

.modify rep <id> exalted

Name ID
Stormwind 72
Ironforge 47
Gnomeregan 54
Darnassus 69
Exodar 930
Gilneas 1134
Tushui Pandaren 1353
Orgrimmar 76
Thunder Bluff 81
Darkspear Trolls 530
Undercity 68
Silvermoon City 911
Steamwheedle Cartel 169
Huojin Pandaren 1352
Silverwing Sentinels 890
The League of Arathor 509
Stormpike Guard 730
Warsong Outriders 889
The Defilers 510
Frostwolf Clan 729
Booty Bay 21
Ratchet 470
Gadgetzan 369
Everlook 577
Ravenhold 349
Syndicate 70
Magram Clan Centaur 93
Gelkis Clan Centaur 92
Zandalar Tribe 270
Thorium Brotherhood 59
Hydraxian Waterlords 749
Timbermaw Hold 576
Wintersaber Trainers 589
Shen'dralar 809
Cenarion Circle 609
Argent Dawn 529
Darkmoon Faire 909
Tranquillien 922
Honor Hold 946
Thrallmar 947
Cenarion Expedition 942
Sporeggar 970
Kurenai 978
The Mag'har 941
The Consortium 933
The Sha'tar 935
The Aldor 932
The Scryers 934
Keepers of Time 989
The Violet Eye 967
Sha'tari Skyguard 1031
Netherwing 1015
The Scale of the Sands 990


White Lion

.additem 166967
.additem 166965
.additem 163416
.additem 166962
.additem 161629
.additem 166964
.additem 166968
.additem 166966
.additem 161605
.additem 184296