
Personal collection of cheatsheets.


Docker is a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.



Check version.

docker version


List images.

docker image ls
docker image ls -a

Build an image base on a dockerfile.

docker image build -t <image> <path>

Tag an image.

docker image tag <image>:<tag> <target_image>:<tag>

Remove an image.

docker image rm <image>

Remove all images without a container.

docker image prune -a


List containers.

docker container ls
docker container ls -a

Inspect a container.

docker container inspect <container>

List container port mappings.

docker container port <container>

Run a container.

docker container run <image>

Run a container and start an interactive shell.

docker container run -i -t <image> bash

Run a container, start an interactive shell and remove it on exit.

docker container run --rm -i -t <image> bash

Run a stopped container and start an interactive shell.

docker container start -a -i <container>

Execute a command inside a container.

docker container exec -i -t <container> <command>
docker container exec -i -t <container> bash

Fetch the logs of a container.

docker container logs <container>
docker container logs -f <container>

Stop a container.

docker container stop <container>

Kill a container.

docker container kill <container>

Remove a container.

docker container rm <container>


List volumes.

docker volume ls

Remove all unused volumes.

docker volume prune -f


List networks.

docker network ls

Create a network.

docker network create <network>
docker network create --driver <driver> <network>

Connect a container to a network.

docker network connect <network> <container>

Disconnect a container from a network.

docker network disconnect <network> <container>