
Personal collection of cheatsheets.


Computer security (also known as cybersecurity) is the protection of computer software, systems and networks from threats that can lead to unauthorized information disclosure, theft or damage to hardware, software, or data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.


API Keys

API keys are secret unique identifiers used to authenticate and authorize a user, developer, or calling program to an API.

Generation Workflow

  1. Authentication.
    • Ensure the user is registered and authenticated (e.g. email/password or OAuth).
    • Only authenticated users can generate API keys.
  2. Creation.
    • The user requests the creation of an API key pair (e.g. POST /api-keys).
    • Generate a unique API Key (public) and a Secret Key (private).
      • API Key: A unique identifier for the user or client (e.g. UUID or hash).
      • Secret Key: A randomly generated, secure string (e.g. UUID or 256-bit key).
    • Store the API key and a hashed version of the secret key securely in your database.
      • Use a strong hashing algorithm for the secret key (e.g. SHA-256 or bcrypt).
    • Return the API key and the raw secret key to the user in the response.
      • Important: The raw secret key should never be stored in plaintext or retrievable again. Inform the user to save it securely.
  3. Management.
    • List API keys for the user (e.g. GET /api-keys).
    • Revoke/delete an API key (e.g. DELETE /api-keys/<key_id>).
    • Regenerate a secret key (e.g. POST /api-keys/<key_id>/regenerate).

Usage Workflow

  1. Authenticate API Requests.
    • Require the API key and secret key for authorized requests.
    • Sent them in the HTTP headers.
GET /resource HTTP/1.1
x-api-key: <base64(api_key)>
x-api-secret: <base64(secret_key)>
GET /resource HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ApiKey <base64(api_key:secret_key)>
  1. Server-Side Validation.
    • Retrieve the hashed secret key for the provided API key from your database.
    • Hash the provided secret key from the request and compare it with the stored hash.
    • If they match, grant access, otherwise, return a 401 unauthorized response.


JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are an open, industry standard method for representing claims securely between two parties. JWT.IO allows to decode, verify and generate tokens.


Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic protocol designed to provide communications security over a computer network. It is used as the security layer in HTTPS and WSS.


OpenSSL is a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It is also a general-purpose cryptography library.

Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).

openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.key -out request.csr

Create a self-signed certificate.

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private.key -out certificate.crt
